18 Oct

Grafton Embracing the Spirit of Fall!

The Town of Grafton certainly has several exciting events coming up for this October,. The Lion Club is hosting a Hayride on the 24th and the 25th, and the theme of the ride shall be through an asylum this year, and shall certainly be a fun time for all who get involved in the festivities.  Both days the ride will be held at the Lions Club at 38 Brigham Hill Road both days at 6:30pm-10:30pm.







We at Decor Custom Interiors shall also be getting into the celebratory spirit by helping our guests and new friends improve the home that they live in for this coming November and Thanksgiving, a time to really impress friends and relatives with a change in appearance. Whether it is Hunter Douglas Blind and Shades, Panels, Roman Shades, cornices, or anything else, we are here to help. We have a lovely selection of ready-made window treatments that are sure to bring awe to any guest you may invite to your home.

Following these two events will be the Build A Scarecrow Day on the 25th from 9am-noon and the Common will be providing supplies for you and your family to create your own scarecrow. You may even vote online for what your favorite scarecrow is!

On the 26th will be the 5k Scaredy Cat run sponsored by and located at Cummings School of Veterinary Medicine at Tufts University, 200 Westborough Road. Pets are encouraged to attend with their owners and there is a minimum required donation of  $10, but all donations go to a good cause to help care for “found-by” pets at the Tufts Animal Hospital.











All of these wonderful events are sure to get your children into the festive spirit, and with the offers we have for Grafton Residents for  improving and redesigning your home, we hope that we can also help you get into that wonderful spirit as well. We provide products from Hunter Douglas Blinds and Shades as well as fabrics from KravetRobert AllenDuralee, and wall coverings from Candice Olson and Thibaut. Our passion is to help you love the home you live in and to provide functional treatments that will be energy efficient and look lovely as well.