19 Jul

Drapery Panel and Decorative Pillows: High Speed Interior Design

While a new room does command the time to plan texture, shape, colors, layout and more, A drapery panel and decorative pillows can transform a room in minutes. The Right designer fabric and pattern can really be a statement piece that brings life to a room that might have been seen as stale! Check out the drapery Panel and decorative pillows in the photos below.


decorative pillows & drapery panels

Traditional & transitional patterns and colors create a classic timeless feel




28 Apr

After a long hiatus, Decor has partnered with Thibaut design!


Decor Custom Interiors is now offering an iconic design brand that dates back to the late 1800’s Thibaut Wallpaper & Fabric, now knows as Thibaut Design! What We love about Thibaut is the American Heritage of a brand, attention to art and craftsmanship and the connection to the future. We are excited to be featuring Thibaut as one of our core brands. Their new furniture line epitomizes the high end quality that Decor’s loyal clients expect!

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14 Mar

Colorful Stout Fabrics & Art create a Lively Dining Nook!

Artwork is the focal point here! Coordinated fabric cornice style window Treatment and pillows are in Stout Fabrics!  pattern Bermuda, color: Cairo! This tropical colored flamestitch pattern is anything but traditional!  This is a cheerful room even on a rainy day! Great color to enjoy in the morning, during the day, or at night! Color can create happy whimsical cheerful environment! Fill your life with color!

Colorful Breakfast Area